protect your home and property with rodent control from Farrell's Spray Service

Rodents are a common problem in Spokane and Eastern Washington because of our enjoyable climate and easy access to grain stores and other food sources. Rats and mice can live undetected in your home, garage or outbuilding for a long period of time due to their skill at evading predator detection, and their ability to squeeze into small spaces that you may not have noticed in your home.

Rodents can cause significant damage to your home and health. Homeowners who leave food out for pets or who have bird and squirrel feeders in the yard are especially vulnerable to rodent infestations. Farrell Spray Service has developed a highly effective rodent control program that attracts rodents while leaving other animals and children unharmed.

Rodent Control Service

Farrell’s Spray Service has earned a stellar reputation in Spokane for our thorough and comprehensive approach to pest control. Our rodent control service offers homeowners peace of mind knowing that our proactive rodent control system keeps rodents away from the home, before they ever have a chance to sneak inside. 

Our bait boxes are child and pet proof and work to lure mice and rats away from the home and into the box, where they are trapped and cannot escape. Our rodent control experts will walk the entire perimeter of your property to assess areas where rodents are likely to traffic through, and place the bait boxes in strategic locations to trap rodents before they breach your home.

Get Rodent Control

Our rodent control package includes 4 bait boxes per quarter for $64.95. Additional bait boxes can be purchased if needed. Our team will install and monitor the boxes for activity and return once a quarter to inspect, clean and refill the bait. We’ll also advise you on rodent activity and provide you with tips for making your home unattractive to rodents!

Rodent Damage

Even one or two rodents have the ability to cause considerable damage to your home and property. Rodents are prolific, and if you notice a mouse or rat in your home, there is a high likelihood that there are or will soon be many more.

In addition to damage rodents cause around the home, rats and mice are unhygienic and can carry many diseases and germs that can harm your loved ones. You do not need to come in direct contact with a rodent to contract a serious condition. Mice and rats that have gotten containers of food in your home can transmit salmonellosis, which can lead to fever, diarrhea and other uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

Other diseases can be passed through contact with rodents or rodent droppings, including hantavirus, renal syndrome, leptospirosis and many other serious diseases. 

If you suspect there are rodents in your home, or that your home may be exposed and open to rodents, call us right away so that we can set up rodent control bait boxes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rodent Control

Rodent control is a rodent extermination strategy designed to lure rodents to a bait box, where they will be unable to escape. Farrell’s rodent control specialists will safely remove the rodents once a quarter and provide a fresh bait box to last the next quarter of the year. 


Our bait boxes and pet and child proof and are strategically placed around your home and yard in areas that are likely to attract rodents such as mice and rats.

Our rodent control program is cost effective and reliable. We provide 4 child and pet proof rodent bait boxes for $59.95 per quarter. We will inspect, clean and refill the rodent box during each subsequent trip and provide you with a comprehensive report of what we found, rodent activity levels, and any steps you can take to prevent more rodents from coming into your yard and home.

Common signs of a rodent infestation include:


  • Rodent droppings near sources of food such as trash cans, cupboards or near the kitchen sink.
  • Nesting materials found in the home, garage, outbuildings or near the home. Nesting materials may be discarded animal fur, shredded paper, fabric or other scraps.
  • Signs of chewing on furniture or food packaging.
  • Holes chewed through furniture or walls.
  • Stale odors coming from vents or other exposed areas in the home, suggesting a rodent has died in a vent or wall.

Protect your home from rodents with Farrell’s Rodent Control service. Click here to contact us now:

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