

Foundation spider spray will keep spiders from entering your home for 60 days guaranteed. We will treat the entire perimeter of your home which creates an impenetrable barrier that will kill spiders as they cross. It will also kill any spiders hiding in cracks and crevices around your home before they get a chance to enter.

$59.95 + tax for any sized single family dwelling.


Our ant program will control ants invading your home or making messy little piles all over your patios and sidewalks. This application is equally effective for spiders and other crawling insects like earwigs.

This application is only $59.95 + tax and is guaranteed for 60 days.


A systemic application will take care of this problem. Guaranteed. Soft brown scales and aphids drip causing a sticky mess on cars, sidewalks and patios. These pests are easily controlled with one simple application. This treatments also helps with Elm leaf beetle, Bronze birch borer, poplar borer on aspens and many other tree pests.


We will customize a program to suit your needs. Fertilizer and weed control is included with each application. We also offer crabgrass control as needed, since crabgrass has become a major problem in the Spokane area but is relatively easy to control. Organic fertilizers are also offered and are recommended for lawns with disease issues like Necrotic Ring Spot.

More Services

Farrell’s specializes in residential applications

Vegetation control

Gravel driveway weed control

Organic fertilizer programs

Lawn insect, disease and weed control

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